
Portfield School Admission Arrangements Policy


To view the full policy click here.



Portfield School is a day Special school maintained by Pembrokeshire County Council which caters for children and young people with severe profound and complex learning difficulties in the age range 3 to 19 years. The school is organised into five key stages based on the pupils age 16 to 19 including Sixth Form Centre. There is a warm welcome and a friendly and caring atmosphere at Portfield. Everyone is valued and encouraged to achieve their potential in all areas of development.


Who is the school admission authority?

The LA (Local Authority) is the school’s admission authority. The Governing body has a duty to implement the LA’s decision on individual applications and to act in accordance with the LA admission arrangements.

The School Standards and Framework Act 1998 and the Code of Practice outline the law relating to School Admissions.


Admission Arrangements

Admission to the school is by the Local Authority.

Pupils who wish to gain admission to the school undergo a multidisciplinary assessment which is co-ordinated by the LA Specialist Placement Panel. All pupils will require a Statement of Special Education, but may be admitted whilst this is in progress. The assessment will involve parents and all agencies who are currently involved with the child. On the basis of this assessment a decision is made as to whether to issue a Statement of Special educational needs.

On the basis of the assessment a recommendation may be to consider a placement in Portfield School. At any stage parents are encouraged to visit the school as the assessment process can be an anxious time.

If the assessment recommends a placement at Portfield or if parents request a placement then the information is discussed by the Local Authority. The professionals make a decision of suitability of the placement based on individual needs.

The Local Authority’s criteria for placement in Portfield are as follows.

Pupils must show significant learning difficulty which falls in the severe, complex or profound areas of need. Pupils may have additional sensory difficulties such as hearing or vision. Pupils may be on the autistic spectrum continuum so long as their major area of need is severe learning difficulty.

The Education Authority will confirm with the parents that a place has been offered:

⇒ when a place is available for their child

⇒ an admission date will be agreed with the Headteacher. Admission date will depend on the time required to:

◊ assess pupil needs

◊ ensure appropriate provision is in place to meet needs

◊ produce/update Health Care Plan and make any necessary arrangements

◊ arrange transport

◊ available placement

⇒Pupils may be admitted:

◊ on a part time basis for pupils under statutory school age

◊ on a part time split placement with another school

◊ on a full time basis

If there are appeals against admissions decisions they will be heard by an independent appeals panel appointed by Pembrokeshire County Council. There is no right of appeal in respect of non-statutory education.


Eligibility Dates

The Government has set eligibility dated by which children must attain the age of five to be of compulsory school age. These dates are 31st August, 31st December and 31st March. In Pembrokeshire, pupils who have attained the age of 4 on or before these dates may be admitted to full time education the following term. Children may be admitted to Portfield School on a part time or full time basis at the age of 3 years and the eligibility dates above also apply to these admissions