The Welsh Government strongly encourages governing bodies to have a school uniform policy. This policy has been devised in consultation with pupils, staff and parents which include parents from a range of relevant local and faith groups. It takes account of the Welsh Government Circular 015/11 Guidance for governing bodies on school uniform and appearance policies and the Equality Act 2010 and religious clothing guidance. (see section below ‘Religious Clothing Summary’)
We believe that a school uniform is important:
• provide a sense of identity and cohesion within the school and instils pride in its achievements;
• can support positive behaviour and school discipline;
• can ensure pupils dress appropriately for learning activity;
• can remove peer pressure to dress in ‘designer’ fashions;
• can enable pupils of all backgrounds to share in a common identity which embraces their particular requirements;
• can help reduce inequalities between pupils
• can assist identification of strangers on school premises; and
• it can support and promote the ethos of the school.
• it looks smart We have a school uniform which, though not compulsory, is encouraged.
School Uniform Grant Assistance Information
- For information regarding School Uniform Assistance and the Pupil Development Grant, please click here.
- Also, information from PCC regarding School Grants can be accessed by clicking here.
School Uniform Ordering Information.
We have made some changes to improve the system for supplying school uniform.
Please follow the link, or click the picture below.
This will take you directly to the Portfield School uniform ordering page.

School Trends
10 Carley Drive
Sheffield S20 8NQ
There are no minimum order quantities and your uniform will be delivered directly to your chosen address. As well as our approved decorated school uniform, you are also able to order plain items such as trousers, skirts and shirts.
Other ordering information including sizes, delivery information and the returns procedure is also available online.
We hope you will find using this new service an improvement in our school uniform supply.
Re-cycled uniform may be purchased from Portfield School Charity Shop. (Subject to availability)
We encourage all pupils in the Primary and Secondary sector to wear school uniform. Portfield School Council consulted pupils with respect to Sixth Mission Statement 4 Form uniform and has introduced black sweatshirts and white polo shirt with Portfield School logo for pupils aged 16-19.
We would like children to wear suitable low heeled shoes to school. School uniform grants may be available from Pembrokeshire County Council for those children in Yr 7 and above.
Other items of clothing we encourage are black/navy trousers/skirts. PE kit is also required and includes blue logo t-shirt and navy/black shorts.
Occasionally children lose or misplace articles of clothing so please help us to find them by marking all garments with your child’s name.
We ask that all children wear the uniform and we encourage them to maintain a good standard of clean and tidy dress in school. However school uniform is not compulsory.
Our school uniform is as follows:
For images of school uniforms click here.
Boys at Portfield
Navy sweatshirt with Portfield logo
Red polo shirt with Portfield logo
Navy/black Trousers
Pale Blue Polo neck T-Shirt for Sports
For Summer wear – Black/navy shorts
Girls at Portfield
Navy sweatshirt with Portfield logo
Red polo shirt with Portfield logo
Navy/black skirt/trousers
Pale Blue Polo neck T-Shirt for Sports
For Summer wear – Blue gingham dress
Sixth Form at Portfield (16-19 year olds)
Black sweatshirt with Portfield logo
White polo shirt with Portfield logo
Pale Blue Polo neck T-Shirt for Sports
Navy/black skirt/trousers
Pupils at Y Porth Satellite
please click here to take you directly to the uniform section of Ysgol y Preseli website
Maroon sweatshirt with Portfield Logo/Ysgol y Preseli logo
White polo shirts with Portfield Logo/Ysgol y Preseli logo
Black trousers/skirts
PE Kit Ysgol y Preseli Maroon Rugby Shirt
Sixth Form Students at Y Porth Satellite
Black sweatshirt with Portfield Logo/Ysgol y Preseli logo
White polo shirts with Portfield Logo/Ysgol y Preseli logo
Black trousers/skirts
Pupils at Haverfordwest High (HWH) Satellite Classes:
*Information regarding uniform for Haverfordwest High can be obtained by clicking here*
White polo shirt with Portfield/HWH logo
White shirt with diagonally striped school tie and HWH black blazer
Optional Grey HWH jumper with HWH school logo
Black trousers, black skirt
Black shorts (for summer)
Black shoes
PE Kit:
HWH Rugby Shirt & Black Shorts/Joggers
(depending on year group, please ask class teacher)
Pupils accessing Haverfordwest High Comprehensive school for inclusion lessons are required to wear designated sweatshirt and if taking part in PE, the required PE kit. Pupils can wear either HWH or Portfield uniform to Portfield School. For information regarding Uniform please click here to take you directly to the relevant area of their website.
All children will need a P.E. bag containing shorts, T- shirt and trainers, and for swimming a bathing costume, swimming hat and towel. The swimming hat helps to keep long hair drier and avoids hair affecting the balance of the learner swimmer in the water. Children will not be allowed to participate unless properly dressed.
Where pupils participate in football additional kit requirements for lessons will be given to pupils such as football boots, shin pads and long socks. The school keeps a stock of Portfield football kit for competition use.
The school has a second hand uniform scheme which sells sweatshirts, polo shirts, fleeces as well PE kit. The school considers the cost implication of uniform and hence maintains a regular review of its provider and only stipulates basic items Information is provided to parents on the Local authority uniform grant assistance scheme for low income families.
The Governors and Staff hope that parents will support the ‘ethos’ of the school by sending their children in agreed school dress.
Other appearance considerations:
*Hair accessories such as slides, ribbons, bobbles etc. should be fairly simple and if possible in school colours.
*Parents are asked to ensure that all items are labelled clearly with their child’s name.
*For safety reasons we ask that the children do not wear jewellery in school. If earrings are to be worn then they must be studs. Pupils will be asked to remove these or have them covered with tape for PE sessions.
*Footwear should be low heeled for girls and of suitable material for the weather conditions. Flip flops are not appropriate for school wear.