Our Mission Statement:
Working together Learning together Achieving together
At Portfield School, we strive to:
* Create a happy, safe, supportive and stimulating learning environment.
* Value everyone.
* Develop everyone’s personal, social, emotional health and wellbeing.
* Promote relevant academic and vocational skills.
* Meet individual needs through an imaginative and flexible approach .
* Enable all learners to achieve their full potential.
Our Strategic Aims:
- To encourage and enable pupils to make exceptional progress in their learning.
- To develop a community where pupils, staff and parents/carers learn and work together.
- To encourage young people to recognise that we are all unique and need to accept each other for whom we are.
- To encourage co-operation with each other and to be sensitive to each other.
- To provide a curriculum that is broad and balanced and fulfils the National Curriculum requirements whilst taking account of the specific needs of pupils and students.
- To create a happy, organised and stimulating working environment where we show respect for each other.
- That all staff and governors work together as a team providing good examples to the school community.
- To encourage all parents/carers to take an active part in their children’s education and development.
Estyn November 2019:
School standards: Excellent
Wellbeing and attitudes to learning: Excellent
Care, support and guidance: Excellent